Imogen Heap Cycling though London 2005 - Taken as part of a shot for the art work for the album "Speak for Yourself" - Taken with a Lomo LCA see more images taken the LCA in my Lomo LCA set.
Brighton 2011
Berlin 2007
Brighton marina wall 2009 - Taken with a Lomo LCA see more iamges taken the LCA in my Lomo LCA set.
Sid often sits outside Lloyds bank Kemp Town. This time as different as he had a couch that he was guarding for a friend. 2006
Brighton 2006
Burning man 2005
Just married 2008 - Taken with a Lomo LCA see more images taken the LCA in my Lomo LCA set.
Glastonbury 2003
Digging for lug worms on Brighton Beach. Burnt out west pier can be seen in the background - 2007
Whitby 2001
Mafra Texas 2011 - Taken at Phoot Camp
Folkestone UK 2008 - Taken with a Lomo LCA see more images taken the LCA in my Lomo LCA set.
Paris 2009 - Taken with a Lomo LCA see more images taken the LCA in my Lomo LCA set.
LA 2006 - Taken with a Lomo LCA see more images taken the LCA in my Lomo LCA set.
Brighton low tide bike ride in 2007
Japan 2001
Brighton 2007
Bristol Balloon Fiesta 2009 - Taken with a Lomo LCA see more iamges taken the LCA in my Lomo LCA set.
Brighton 2005 - Taken with a Lomo LCA see more images taken the LCA in my Lomo LCA set.
Burning man 2005
Brighton 2008
Full english breakfast form the Opposition cafe - Brighton 2007
Brighton 2008 - Taken after a container ship lost it's cargo of wood. 30 feet long planks of wood where washed up 20 miles of beaches.
London 2001 - Taken with a Lomo LCA see more iamges taken the LCA in my Lomo LCA set.
Japan 2001
Yosemite 2005