The 2020 Brighton and Hove calendar

The 2020 Brighton and Hove Calendar is out now and features work from 16 local photographers including yours truly. This calendar is the 20th and is a ‘best of’ to mark that it is the 20th and last to be curated by Nigel Swallow. Apart from 2 editions that where created by Finn Hobson, the calendar has always been put together by Nigel but after 20 years Nigel wants to move on to do new things which is not possible when you have to spend months putting together a calendar, printing and spending a few months selling it, it takes up more than half the year. He is passing onto a new Art Co Operative called ArtHoc in Brighton, to do with creatively as they please – to raise their profile and funds for a city centre gallery, with living space above for artists and studios, I am personally eager to see what the future holds for the Brighton and Hove Calendar.

Starling murmuration and Brighton's West Pier

Starling murmuration and Brighton’s West Pier – Shot February 2018

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2019 Lewes Bonfire celebrations

On November 5th I went out to Lewes to shoot the Bonfire celebrations which are the largest in the UK. Even though no trains run to Lewes after 5pm on bonfire night it actually felt more crowded than last year where I felt like I had more freedom of movement. I did manage to get stuck in the crowds a few times this year, never the less I got to see some crazy things.

Lewes borough bonfire society

Lewes borough bonfire society

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Lomogon lens launched on Kickstarter

Lomography has launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund the manufacture of their new art lens the Lomogon. It was designed to recreate some of the classic Lomography aesthetic you get from the Lomo LC-A, but now for DLSRs, Mirrorless cameras, and good old film SLRs.

David Sawyers of Brighton Swimming Club shot on the Lomogon Lens

David Sawyers of Brighton Swimming Club shot on the Lomogon Lens

lomogon lenses

Lomogon lens will available on bronze and a little more subtle black.

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I’m speaking at T-Shaped Talks at Platf9rm in Brighton

On Wednesday the 6th of February I will given a short talk about my photographs that document Brighton Swimming Club at T-Shaped Talks at Platf9rm. I’ve been shooting Brighton Swimming Club members ever since I became a member in 2003. Even though I’ve been documenting it for 15 years I’ve still not lost my passion for the subject.

Dave swimming by Brighton Pier

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Brighton Swimming Club in Robinsons ad and Michael Portillo Documentary

I’ve been on the other side of the lens a little recently. Robinsons was recently down the club shooting their new TV ad. Along with other members of Brighton Swimming club I appeared in an ad for Robinsons crushed Apple and Cinnamon Fruit Cordial, I even got to do a little bit of the voice over!

Brighton swimming club will be featured in ‘Portillo’s Hidden History of Britain’ in an episode that explores Brighton’s history told though the West Pier. In it Michael comes for a swim with our club and then interviews David Sawyers, which if you know who Dave is is going to be special. It’s on at 9pm Friday 7th of December on Channel 5. Originally Michael Portillo interviewed Roger Bamber, Finn Hopson and me about our work documenting the west pier through photography, unfortunately that segment was cut so you have to try and spot me in the background of the swimming bit.

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Runner up in the ‘For the Love of the Water’ category at the Kendal Mountain Festival 2018

My image of Elle swimming near Brighton Palace Pier at dusk came 2nd place in the Kendal Mountain Festival’s photography competition in ‘For the Love of the Water’ category.

Member of Brighton Swimming Club Elle swimming near Brighton Pier at Dusk

I only entered on the spur of the moment on the 15 of October shortly before entries closed. Usually I would have spent ages picking one of my swimming shots to enter but as I only shot this image 10 days before it was still fresh in my mind. You can see what image beat me in the ‘For the Love of the Water’ category and other great photos on the Kendal Mountain Festival’s website. Big thanks to Elle for putting up with me bossing her about water getting her to swim backwards and forwards in front of my lens.

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The 2019 Brighton and Hove calendar is now available

The 2019 Brighton and Hove Calendar is out now and features work from 25 local photographers including yours truly. One of my starling images is the main image for January and then I’ve 2 smaller images later on in the calendar. It’s always nice to be a part of a Brighton institution.

2019 Brighton and Hove Calendar

2019 Brighton and Hove Calendar. Cover photo by Taz O’Donoghue

This year the calendar is back under Nigel Swallow’s creative stewardship after being in the capable hands of Finn Hopson of Brighton Photography gallery since the 2016 calendar.

2019 Brighton and Hove Calendar January page

My Starling photo on the January page

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Portraits of fellow sea faring photographer Emma Critchley

At the end of October Emma Critchley asked me to shoot her portrait for the BBC for her upcoming radio documentary ‘Pursuit of Beauty: Art Beneath the Waves‘. I first met Emma on Brighton beach in the early 2000s when she was shooting a project on Brighton swimming club, I’ve stayed in contact with her ever since and watched her career go into over drive! Emma is a lens based sub-aquatic artist. She does amazing things with cameras and in and around water, so it was an honor when she asked me to shoot her portrait for the BBC.

Pursuit of Beauty: Art Beneath the Waves presented by Emma Critchley

Emma Critchley in the water with camera by Kevin Meredith

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