The 2020 Brighton and Hove Calendar is out now and features work from 16 local photographers including yours truly. This calendar is the 20th and is a ‘best of’ to mark that it is the 20th and last to be curated by Nigel Swallow. Apart from 2 editions that where created by Finn Hobson, the calendar has always been put together by Nigel but after 20 years Nigel wants to move on to do new things which is not possible when you have to spend months putting together a calendar, printing and spending a few months selling it, it takes up more than half the year. He is passing onto a new Art Co Operative called ArtHoc in Brighton, to do with creatively as they please – to raise their profile and funds for a city centre gallery, with living space above for artists and studios, I am personally eager to see what the future holds for the Brighton and Hove Calendar.

Starling murmuration and Brighton’s West Pier – Shot February 2018