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Category Archives: Lomo
Three interviews with Panthalassa, Pleece & Co and Lomography
You know what they say interviews can be a bit like buses know wants to talk for ages then suddenly three Interviewers rock up all at the same time. In the last month I’ve had three interviews published in three different places each focusing on something different.
Lomo LC-A 120 medium format camera hands on review
When Lomography released the Lomo LC-A 120 last year I got really excited. It’s a compact medium format camera with a modified glass lomo LC-A lens with automatic exposure which is a huge step up from the light leaky plastic Holgas and Dianas I’d previously used. I’ve never really been a fan of plastic 120 roll film cameras as I’ve never seen the point of shooting expensive film on a camera with no light meter, a plastic lens, and something that you only use on a sunny day.
Dave and his fish eyes. Shot Lomo LC-A 120 and Lomography 800 asa colour film
Evolution of the Lomo LC-A to the LC-M, LC-A+, LC-Wide and now the LC-A 120
The lomo LC-A was introduced to the Soviet Union in 1984 as a camera for the people. The idea was to design a camera that anyone could use, lomo took inspiration from the Japanese Cosina CX-2 and toned down the Japanese design with some communist magic. The LC-A was the camera that changed the way I thought about photography as it gave me a lot of creative freedom, the fact I could take it anywhere and that it could be used in low light was a game changer at the time. It seems funny now but when I got my LC-A in 1998 there was not much to choose from if you wanted a half decent camera that could fit in your jean pocket. Compared with the proliferation of camera phones now it seems quite bizarre, compact digital cameras did not exist and they did not become affordable until 2003.
Posted in Cameras, Lomo, Lomography
Tagged 120 film, Cameras, film, LC-120, LC-A, LC-M, LC-W, Lomo, medium format
Analogue Tribes Fragmented Portraits Documentary
Photographer Anton and founder of Lots of Little Ideas has been working on a series films titled ‘Analogue Tribes’ about photographers that still use film in a predominately digital age. Today he released the First Analogue Tribes film featuring me talking about my montage portraits. Last year we met up in East London and he documented me as I shot montage portraits of some hip East London cats. After a little wonder we went to the basement of the East London Lomography store where we had a little chat about my use of film.
Posted in Interview, Lomo, Lomography, projects
Tagged analogue, analogue tribes, Interview, Lomography
Interviewed by the BBC about 20 years of Lomography
I have been interviewed by the BBC’s online magazine for an article that coincides with the 20th anniversary of Lomography. It’s quite nice to see that another Brighton photographer, Toby Mason, has also been interviewed for the piece; Brighton represent! The article was written by Stephen Dowling, the same journalist that interviewed me on the subject of Instagram in April this year. You can read the BBC’s Lomography article here and I thought it would be nice to post my responses to Stephen’s questions in full in case you’re curious to read more.
lomokev unlocked by O2 over a weekend
I recently spent the weekend with a film crew from O2’s Guru YouTube channel. They are making a set of films about different creative people and how mobile technology fits into there life. I am the second person they shot, the first was trainer designer / customizer Daniel Reese, check out his film here. They filmed me as I documented an average weekend in Brighton which culminating in me putting up a photo montage on a beach hut. If what goes on on the video looks fun to you, you might want to check out one of my weekend photography courses so you can join the fun.
Lomo LC-Wide hands on review
On May 19th 2011 Lomography released the Lomo LC-Wide or Lomo LC-W for short. I’ve had the camera for 24 hours and I have shot one roll of film and have had it developed and I’m now ready to pass on my opinion.
Its that time of the month again.
The new Source Magazine is out (has been for a while) with my new trend spotting pictures. There’s a small change as Tuaca are now sponsoring street style. If you are picked as the featured person you get a free … Continue reading
Posted in Lomo, Press, Published
Tagged Brighton, brighton source, montage portraits
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