Tag Archives: Interview

Viva Brighton Magazine interview

I was interviewed by Viva Brighton for their January Edition. It’s first the of a new series of interviews / project highlights which is a collaboration between MiniClick and Viva Brighton. Each month MiniClick will source a Brighton based photo project to be featured in the magazine and Viva will interview the photographer. MiniClick organises free photography talks / events in Brighton and further afield.

Brighton Swimming club photos in Viva Brighton. See more swimming photos on my website here.

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Analogue Tribes Fragmented Portraits Documentary

Photographer Anton and founder of Lots of Little Ideas has been working on a series films titled ‘Analogue Tribes’ about photographers that still use film in a predominately digital age. Today he released the First Analogue Tribes film featuring me talking about my montage portraits. Last year we met up in East London and he documented me as I shot montage portraits of some hip East London cats. After a little wonder we went to the basement of the East London Lomography store where we had a little chat about my use of film.

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Featured “Analogue Tribes” Article in the The Quarterly Magazine

Quarterly Magazine is an Ethical publication in that once it has covered its costs the profit from selling the issues is divide between everyone involved in the issue. The second issue’s printing was covered by a Kickstarter campaign and they don’t carry any advertising, it’s just pure wall to wall content.

The Quarterly Magazine Analogue Tribes`

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Lou O’Belam Photographic Journal Interview

I’ve been interviewed a few times, sometimes by large news organizations and sometimes by small blogs and students but the recent interview I did with Lou O’Belam for The Photographic Journal is one of my favorites. I had a great conversation with Lou over the course of a few hours and I am really pleased with the result.

IKevin Meredith aka lomokev Interview The Photographic Journal

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Interviewed by the BBC about 20 years of Lomography

I have been interviewed by the BBC’s online magazine for an article that coincides with the 20th anniversary of Lomography. It’s quite nice to see that another Brighton photographer, Toby Mason, has also been interviewed for the piece; Brighton represent! The article was written by Stephen Dowling, the same journalist that interviewed me on the subject of Instagram in April this year. You can read the BBC’s Lomography article here and I thought it would be nice to post my responses to Stephen’s questions in full in case you’re curious to read more.

BBC News - Magazine - 20 years of Lomograhpy

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Interviewed for BBC article on Instagram

Instagram has been all over the news recently with the announcement that it’s being purchased by Facebook for one billion dollars. If by some small chance you don’t know what Instagram is you can read a review I wrote here. Stephen Dowling wrote a piece for the BBC online magazine titled “Has Instagram made everyone’s photos look the same?”. I was one of the Instagram users he interviewed, you can read the article in full here. I thought it would be nice to post my responses to Stephen’s questions in full in case you’re curious for more.

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Recent interviews with The Set Up, Focus Media and Lomography.com

In the last few months I have have been interviewed three times by Dutch magazine Focus, Lomography.com and The Setup.

First page of interview with Kevin Meredith in Focus Magazine Continue reading

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