I was interviewed by Viva Brighton for their January Edition. It’s first the of a new series of interviews / project highlights which is a collaboration between MiniClick and Viva Brighton. Each month MiniClick will source a Brighton based photo project to be featured in the magazine and Viva will interview the photographer. MiniClick organises free photography talks / events in Brighton and further afield.

Brighton Swimming club photos in Viva Brighton. See more swimming photos on my website here.
I was the first photographer to be featured; they chose my Brighton Swimming Club pictures as the club swims all year round and it fitted in nicely with their wintery January magazine. The interview took place before Christmas and quite a lot of it was spent talking about the cancelled Christmas day swim and how dangerous it is to swim in the sea in the winter. It turned out that the weather and tides were not that bad on Christmas Day so a little mini swim went ahead anyway, luckily I was there to document it. That said swimming in cold water is dangerous and this was sadly proved right when two people lost their lives after one was pulled into a rough sea and a friend attempted to rescue him on Brighton beach just after Christmas.

Brighton Swimming club in the snow in Viva Brighton. See more snowy swimming photos on my website here.
You can see more photos from Brighton swimming club in my portfolio here, images from previous Christmas day swims here and swimming in the snow here.