On the 5th November Lewes in Sussex UK celebrates Bonfire Night in off the scale style. Think Burning Man meets Mad Max meets Eyes Wide Shut meets Little England. Bonfire societies parade though the streets holding burning torches & crucifixes, burning effigies and letting off powerful bangers in close proximity to spectators. They do all this dressed in all manner of costumes from monks, pearly Kings & Queens, Native Americans, Tudors, 1st & 2nd World War Solders and more.
I’ve not been to the Lewes Bonfire Celebrations in over 8 years, in that time cameras’ low light abilities are way better than when I took a few pictures on 3200 ISO film a few years back. Me and Alex Bamford cycled the 8 miles out to Lewes which was a pleasant ride (trains no longer run to Lewes on the night to limit the crowds). I’ve included a small selection of shots from the 2018 celebration in this post. To see more look at my Lewes Bonfire celebration page in my portfolio.
See more on my Lewes Bonfire celebration page in my portfolio.