The 2016 Brighton and Hove calendar is now available, this is first year that Finn Hopson of Brighton Photography has taken over it’s production from Nigel Swallow. The calendar is comprised of the work of local Brighton Photographers including four of my images.
There is also images from some other great Brighton photographers including: Anni Agnise, Roger Bamber, Alex Bamford, Heather Buckley, Finn Hopson and Paul Mansfield to name but a few. You can see a the full list of photographers and to see all the images in the calendar on here.
The calendars are £8 and can be purchased online at here. If you are local to Brighton they can also be purchased from their stall in the Churchill Square shopping centre near Natwest and from the Brighton Photography Gallery which is just West of the Brighton i360 construction site.
As little interesting side note of the the four images shot by me in this year’s calendar every single one was produced on a different camera, none on a Lomo (sorry lomo fans). My images were taken on Canon EOS 5D mrk iii, Samsung NX1, Olympus OM-D E-M5 and Nikon D3100, click on the images below to see them larger.