This is Amit Gupta aka SuperAmit as he’s know on flickr & twitter AKA the guy that started Photojojo.
Amit recently started feeling tired all the time, usually when this happens to a San Francisco start up CEO it’s just “burn out” but unfortunately this was not the case. It turns out he has Leukemia. At the moment he is going through chemo but once done he will need a bone marrow transplant for the best chance of survival. Unfortunately because of his ancestry it’s tough to find a donor as not many people of South Asian decent are on the transplant register. If you are of South Asian decent (Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Nepalis, Bhutan, Maldives, or Sri Lankan) you can get a free mouth swab kit to see if you are compatible donor (if you live in the United States or Puerto Rico).
If your not of South Asian decent or reside outside of the united states you can still help by: re-blogging this tumbler post and generally spreading the word.
Please help, Amit is a super cool guy he works hard and is definitely nice to people so deserves to get through this.
I just read that Amit is in critical situation. I,m an Indian if u guys need any help plz do email me. I live in Newyork.
Viney birdi
All help is a appreciated, I am in the UK so I don’t have much to do with it but you can way more details on how to help at this new website: