Simon Cooke is about to embark on an incredible record breaking journey. Next week he will be on standby to swim the English channel earlier than anyone has done before, this will mean his swim will be colder than any cross channel swim before him around 11-12 °C (51.8-53.6 °F). He is a fellow member of Brighton Swimming club and has been in training for over a year doing 6 hour sea water training sessions, in comparison at this time of year (May) I swim for 20-30 minutes before I get really cold. He is raising money for a local Charity Amaze Charity which gives information, advice and support to parents of children with disabilities in Brighton & Hove. You can donate to his simon cooke fundraising page.
Like most Brighton Swimming Club members I have shot him is few times although he can’t seem to stop himself pulling silly faces, see more images of Simon below you can also see more of my images of Brighton Swimming Club in this portfolio.