Last month TriggerTrap realised EarthLapse a crowd sourced time-lapse composed of time-lapse movies from 45 photographers shot 12 different countries. The idea was simple TriggerTrap asked people to capture a time-lapse of their location on the 22nd April (Earth Day) and then they would edit submitted movies together to create a snap shot of that day. I sent two clips in, one of Brighton Swimming Club and one from London with an unfortunately stationery London Eye which they did not use. Check out the full movie and my clips below.
Time-lapse is something I’ve really been getting into recently because I’ve been shooting a few for the i360 and recently taught a time-lapse workshop at the Snap festival. I’m planing on running a time-lapse workshop in Brighton at some point, if you think you might be interest get in touch.
TriggerTrap turns your smart phone into a camera trigger or Intervalometer (time-lapse trigger). TriggerTrap not just for time-lapses you can also use it to trigger your camera with sound and movement amongst other things, check out the full range of features on their website.