Barnes and Noble Hot Shots infomercial

Barnes and Noble have spotlighted my book, Hot Shots, on their website. It’s in the form of a video witch looks more like an infomercial than a review. In case you are wondering how I found this it was not though ego surfing, I am far too busy for that. I found it out from Google alerts it’s the best way to keep track of what people are saying about you online. Unfortunately the video I talk about in this post so no longer on the Barnes and Noble website.

In reference to what is said in the video I would just like to point out that the images in Hot Shots are not organized by color, that was an idea when I first started putting the book together but I soon realized that it would be impossible. I would also like to point out that most of my photos are not blurred!

If you want to see an accurate representation of what my book is like, you can check out the video below or you can download a 16 page PDF sample. Hot shots is currently being reprinted after selling out its 2nd UK print run and 1st US print run. After being printed in China they are placed on the slowest boat in the world, so currently one of the only places to get a copy of Hot Shots at the cover price is from me. If you want one hurry as I only have 9 left! If you would like a copy my PayPal address is If you are worried whether you can trust me just check my eBay feed back profile, if you can’t trust good old lomokev who can you trust? When you pay me on PayPal make sure you leave instructions on who you would like the book signed to. If you don’t have a PayPal account you can send me a good old fashioned cheque, just e-mail me on and we can arrange it.

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2 Responses to Barnes and Noble Hot Shots infomercial

  1. Tom says:

    Urban Outfitters has it here in Cleveland OH…grabbing a copy today

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