MiniClick is celebrating it’s 5th year on 12th September with a series of talks and a party. I will be speaking alongside some of my favourite MiniClick speakers like: Peter Dench, Ewen Spencer, Alex Bamford, Antonio Olmos and Murray Ballard. The talks will take place between 12pm-6pm at the Unitarian Church on New Road and then the party will be at a venue which is yet to be announced. More details on the MiniClick website and their social media.
As the Cliché goes ‘doesn’t time fly’, I can still remember when Jim Stephenson (MiniClick’s founder) called me to ask if I’d talk at BrightClick in April 2010. I took the call on the maternity ward of Royal Sussex County Hospital a few days after my daughter Matilda was born. BrightClick was an evening of photography talks at the lecture theatre at Brighton University. Shortly after BrightClick Jim had the idea of running free monthly intermit photography talks, he found a venue in the newly opened Add the Colour café and MiniClick was born.
A year later MiniClick started to out grow Add the Colour and made the move the newly refurbished Old Market in Hove, although MiniClick runs events at several other venues the Old Market is definitely it’s spiritual home.

More spacious bar at Old Market Hove. Often all the seats are taken and people stand at the bar and at the back.
In the first two years I was like the unofficial tech support for MiniClick until Jim and the other MiniClickers got two know Keynote and the projector connectors. I remember one occasion when I put together a self advancing PechaKucha presentation with 300 slides in it in just 30 minutes before it was shown, it worked and it was all in order.

The Man the legend that started it all: Jim Stephenson founder of MiniClick. In Grubs for a post MiniClick burger.
Five years on and my Daughter has just finished her first year of School and is confidently snapping away with her own camera. MiniClick has come a long way as well since it’s coffee fuelled days back in 2010, the variation is speakers is just incredible from internationally established artists to the hottest emerging talent. MiniClick is no longer a one man band but is now curated by a team of seven people. MiniClick has done so much for the Brighton photo community it’s unreal, here is to the next 5 years of MiniClick, come and celebrate the first five with the MiniClick massive on the 12th of September.