Hot Shots sold out its UK print run in 5 mouths but fear not after 4 mouths its back baby! I picked up 100 copies yesterday that I am offering for sale. I intend to set up a shop on this site but in the mean time you can just pay via PayPal. If you would like a signed copy my PayPal address is If you are worried whether you can trust me just check my eBay feed back profile, if you can’t trust good old lomokev who can you trust? When you pay me on PayPal make sure you leave instructions on who you would like the book signed to. If you don’t have a PayPal account you can send me a good old fashioned cheque, just e-mail me on and we can arrange it.
The books are £12.99 + shipping
UK shipping £2.50 total: £15.49
EUROPE £4 total: £16.99
Rest of the world £7.69 total: £20.68
If you live in San Francisco I will be doing a book signing in October in your town so don’t waste your money on shipping!
Hots Shots is an instructional book that tells you how to take photos with inexpensive kit. It’s layed out in a bite sized way. There are no chapters but images with accompanying text explaining how the image was captured, every photo has it’s camera, film type, ISO listed. Click here to download a 16 page sample of Hot Shots.
This book is so good that I loaned it out and it never came back, so I am going to get another copy. The photography bible!
Would love to buy print of swimmer at sea with big yellow beoy.