Last June MiniClick published a small print run publication of some of my work documenting Brighton Swimming Club. ‘I Dare the Wave, A Life to Save’ centred around David Sawyers: one of the clubs more eccentric characters. The first print run sold out super fast, I was on holiday when they went on sale, so I didn’t get a chance to promote the release, soon after I was back they were sold out. I know there was a few people that were disappointed that they did not get a copy in their hands.

I Dare the Wave, A Life to Save
By Kevin Meredith
Published by MiniClick
Because of the demand MiniClick plan a second print run. At the moment they are trying to gauge demand, if you’re interested in acquiring a copy please email me ( and I can make sure a copy is printed for you.

Dave Sawyers holding a garr fish he caught while swimming. (one of the out takes from the publication).
If you want to know more about ‘I Dare the Wave, A Life to Save’ read this blog post or you can watch a video of me talking about the project below.