Earlier this year I spoke at the Bright Click Photography Talks that was organized by fellow photographer Jim Stephenson. Jim has been organizing more talks but instead of having a bill of a few people talking he has changed the format to one photographer a night and spread the talks out over a few months to produce Mini Click. He has had some great speakers already. Due to a combination of new fatherhood and other commitments I was unable to attend the first two talks by Alex Bamford (52 ops contributor) and Kris Mitchell. One talk I am not going to miss is this Tuesday’s talk by Ruby-May Allcock who is a very talented young photographer. Best known for her concert photography she also contributed a segment to my last book on concert photography when she was just 17. Ruby-May Allcock also assists me from time to time and is responsible for the stitching together of a lot of my montage portraits. To see her talk get yourself down to Add the Colour this Tuesday (2nd November) at 6:30pm.

Lady GaGa by Ruby May Allcock
Unfortunately I will have to miss the last talk in the series of Mini Click talks because it just so happens to be one of my wife’s favourite photographers giving it and I will have to stay home and look after little Matilda. Jean-Luc Brouard is best known for his awe inspiring night time tree portraits. If your about on the 7th of December be sure to catch his talk at Add the colour.

Above image by Jean-Luc Brouard
More info on the Mini Click talks on Jim’s blog here.
Thanks for making it along to these Kev! Looking forward to the next ones.