Phoot Camp – full story

As some might know I recently visited San Francisco, the reason I went on this trip was to attend something called Phoot Camp, which was a weekend camping with 20 super talented photographers. All the fruits of Phoot Camp are now online. If you want to know the full story, check out who attended or see the work that came out of it, just head over to

I shot lots of general lomo images of the whole event and a few digital but my mini project was shooting montage portraits of everyone:

phoot camp montages

jen giese montage on flickr mona brooks montage dan busta montage


phoot camp montages

steph goralnick montage derek wood montage nate bolt

Click on the images above to see the flickr version where they can be viewed larger or you can check out all of my portrait montage pictures on flickr here

Many good times where also had round the camp fire:

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