Tag Archives: lytro

Lytro announce their first cameras

I wrote about Lytro being set up a while ago but last week they announced there product line up and specs of there forth coming cameras. Lytro is a company that is bringing  cameras to market that uses a technology called “light field photography”. The cameras capture light in a different way to a normal camera, as if by magic once a photo is taken the focus can be changed.

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Lytro camera to make focusing a thing of the past

I remember reading about light field photography in 2008 and being blown away buy it. In a nut shell a light field camera would allow you to take a picture without focusing or setting aperture, all you have to worry about is what is in frame. Only after a photo is taken can the decision be made as to what and how much of the image you want to be in focus. It also means there would be no shutter lag while the camera obtains focus lock because it dose not have to focus! It works by not only recording colour and intensity of light hitting the sensor but also angle of the light, this somehow allows the camera to know what distance the light has come from. Lytro also say the new technology is also well suited to low light. The science is explained far better on the Lytro web site here.

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