Tag Archives: media space

Fox Talbot: Dawn of the Photograph at the London Science Museum’s Media Space

The show is a perfect marriage between science and photography. Fox Tolbot was a scientist, photographer and entrepreneur who invented the photographic negative in 1835 which was a huge leap forward in photographic technology. The negative meant that unlimited perfectly duplicated photos could easily be produced. Before Talbot’s negative the first commercially available photographic process, the daguerreotype, produced one-off images on silver plated copper. Talbot’s invention brought photography closer to what we think of it today, a medium where duplication is embedded into its core.

Nelsons column under construction by William Henry Fox Talbot - 1843

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Revelations Experiments in Photography at the Science Museum’s Media Space

Revelations Experiments in Photography is a photographic exhibition focusing on Scientific photography and how Science has influenced photography. The exhibition is split into three sections: Once Invisible, The New Vision and After the Future.

Revelations Experiments in Photography Media Space Science Museum

The room ‘Once Invisible’ showcases the work of early pioneering scientific photographers which includes the first photograph of a solar eclipse and the first X Ray images. The more I learn about the history of early photography the more I find myself amazed at what could be achieved in a short time after the first permanent photographic image was captured in 1826. A lot of the images depict subjects that would of never been seen before the invention of photography weather that’s because they focused something really small, used long exposures or visualised the invisible like magnetic fields. Auguste Adolphe Bertsch’s image of a honey bee louse magnified 300 times really caught my eye, it’s a pin sharp picture of insect so small that it lives on a honey bee and it was taken in 1875.

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Drawn By Light exhibition at the London Science Museum Media Space

The Media Space latest exhibition packs more Iconic photographic prints into one room than you’ve probably ever seen in your lifetime. As soon as you walk in you can’t help but notice one of the most iconic photographs of all time: Steve McCurry’s Afghan Girl. I’ve seen the Afghan Girl image many times but this is the first time I’ve seen a print and it’s absolutely gorgeous, hanging next to it was Yousuf Karsh’s 1947 iconic portrait of Winston Churchill.

Steve McCurry Afghan Girl Yousuf Karsh Winston Churchill Drawn By Light Media Space

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Nick Hedges’ ‘Make Life Worth Living’ exhibition at the Science Museum’s Media Space

Nick Hedges was commissioned by the housing charity Shelter to document the harsh living conditions that people in poverty where forced to live in from 1968 – 1972. The work was used to help Shelter better campaign for those in poverty. To protect the anonymity of the people depicted the images have been used in a very limited way up and till now, this is the first public showing of the work since it was created over forty years ago.

make life worth living by nick hedges

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Only in England: Tony Ray-Jones and Martin Parr exhibition at the London Science Museum’s new Media Space

The London Science Museum has opened its new Media Space Gallery with its first exhibition “Only in England”, showcasing work from Tony Ray-Jones and Martin Parr. The Media Space Gallery was set up in partnership with the National Media Museum in Bradford to show the National Photography Collection which the National Media Museum houses. The space is now one of the largest photographic galleries in London and each exhibition at the Media Space Gallery will also be shown in National Media Museum in Bradford.

Jaws Queue - Copyright Martin Parr / Magnum Photos

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