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Tag Archives: Brighton
Brighton i360 photography Pecha Kucha talk at Talent Pool
I’ve been asked by Viva Brighton Magazine to give a Pecha Kucha talk at their new event Talent Pool. On the evening there will be a series of talks from different Brighton creative types who will be talking about their creative process. I’ll be talking about the work I’ve been doing for the Brighton i360 and how I was offered the opportunity of working for them.
Posted in Brighton, Brighton i360, Events, Pecha Kucha, Talks
Tagged Brighton, i360, talk
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Time-lapse of the The Brighton i360 Progress
As part of an ongoing commission to document the construction of the Brighton i360 I’ve been shooting a long term time-lapse of it’s building site. I’ve set up a camera that has been taking a picture every 10 minutes, from the start in July 2014 to February 2015 it’s now shot over 25,000 images. The edit I’ve made excludes weekends, holidays and nights, although I’ve included three nights when they were working 24 hours a day to divert a sewer.
Ninja Sea Gull Skills
This Saturday I’ll be appearing on CBBC’s new art show ‘Art Ninja‘. Art Ninja follows the artistic adventures of Ricky AKA the Art Ninja. In the episode I appear in Ricky comes to Brighton and enlists the help of some … Continue reading
Viva Brighton Magazine interview
I was interviewed by Viva Brighton for their January Edition. It’s first the of a new series of interviews / project highlights which is a collaboration between MiniClick and Viva Brighton. Each month MiniClick will source a Brighton based photo project to be featured in the magazine and Viva will interview the photographer. MiniClick organises free photography talks / events in Brighton and further afield.
Posted in Brighton, Interview, Magazines, Published
Tagged Brighton, Interview, MiniClick, swimming, Viva Brighton
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Brighton Christmas day swim 2014
If I am in Brighton on Christmas day I will always try and document the Christmas day swim you can see a selection of images for previous swims in my portfolio here. Brighton beach was meant to be closed to swimmers on Christmas day 2014 and the Christmas Brighton day swim canceled. In 2012 and 2011 the council / sea front office took the decision to close the beach because of bad weather to prevent people from swimming, no one tried enter the water in those years. In 2014 the decision was taken to close the beach two weeks before Christmas day. It turned out that Christmas 2014 was sunny and the sea was flat so small group of people went swimming despite the beach closure.
I’ve been shooting Christmas day swims science 2005 you can see a selection of images for previous swims in my portfolio here.
Brighton Calendar 2015
Since 2000 Nigel Swallow has put together a Calendar of Brighton and Hove photographs which has become a bit of Brighton institution.
The calendar is comprised of the work of local Brighton Photographers, this years calendar includes two little pictures from me and one from my wife @rockcake, it’s always nice to be a part of the calendar even if it’s just a small part.
Brighton Photo Fringe business: MiniClick talk, Tim Andrews Over the Hill Exhibition and The Shot I Never Forgot
The Brighton Biannual and companion Photo Fringe festival are now in full swing. I’ve not got any stand alone shows in this years festival but I have images in two group shows and I am speaking at a MiniClick event. Combined the Biannual and Photo Fringe is a massive photography festival and would be well worth a trip to Brighton from London and further afield. If you are from London and this post does not tempt you down I recommend you go to ‘Make Life Worth Living‘ and ‘Open for Business‘ at the Media Space at the London Science Museum.
Posted in Brighton, Events, Exhibitions, Pecha Kucha
Tagged Brighton, exhibition, festival, fringe, photo fringe, talk
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Miniclick plan a second print run of: I Dare the Wave, A Life to Save.
Last June MiniClick published a small print run publication of some of my work documenting Brighton Swimming Club. ‘I Dare the Wave, A Life to Save’ centred around David Sawyers: one of the clubs more eccentric characters. The first print run sold out super fast, I was on holiday when they went on sale, so I didn’t get a chance to promote the release, soon after I was back they were sold out. I know there was a few people that were disappointed that they did not get a copy in their hands.
I Dare the Wave, A Life to Save
By Kevin Meredith
Published by MiniClick