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Tag Archives: Samsung
Hands on review of the Android powered Samsung Galaxy NX
Since November 2013 I’ve been using a Samsung Galaxy NX The first interchangeable lens camera to run the Android operating system. A common feature on new cameras is wireless connectivity that enables them to connect to phones or tablets to transfer photos so that images can then be posted online. Having a combination of Android and wireless connectivity cuts out the middle man, you can shoot pictures then use them in whatever Android app takes your fancy. You might think having full blown Android on a camera might get in the way of shooting, sure you could miss a photo op by playing angry birds, but no matter what app you’re using you can get into camera mode with one press of the shutter button. The build quality is really sturdy, it feels as small as it possibly could be while accommodating the large touch screen and large removable battery.
Paris Samsung NX speed event
A few weeks ago I was in Paris for the Samsung NX speed event. I was there following some Facebook voting after a similar event I attended in the UK. I’d just like to say thanks for all the people that voted for me, without your votes I would not have been there! It was a fun filled three days where we got see Usain Bolt sprint and DJ, check out racing at Le Mans and see the sights of Paris (check out the photos below). As well as all the Parisian fun we also got the chance to see some of Samsung’s new camera products which you can read about here. All the photos below were taken on a Samsung NX300 (read my NX300 review).
Sneak peak at the Samsung Galaxy NX and Galaxy S4 Zoom
Last month I was at a Samsung press event in Paris for there latest photographic devices (read about what else I was up to in Paris). There was a lot to check out, but what really stood out for me were the Samsung Galaxy NX and Galaxy Zoom. I only played with them for a few minutes each but I can say they are some of the easiest to use cameras I have ever handled.
Samsung Championship of speed
I recently took part in the Samsung championship of speed. The event was geared towards showing all the speedy attributes of the Samsung NX300 camera. Samsung invited 30 Photo / Fashion / Tech bloggers from all over Europe to the UK … Continue reading
Samsung NX300 hands on review
A few weeks ago I was invited by Samsung, along with 30 other european bloggers, to join them for two crazy days to test out the new Samsung NX300. We spent the our time putting the cameras though it’s paces at various speedy events like speed boat rides, horse racing and a whistle stop tour of London. The outcome of this event is that some of the 30 are going to be sent to Paris to meet the equally speedy Usain Bolt and shoot him with the NX 300. There is also a possibility of you being there, courtesy of Samsung, if you check out this Facebook page. After spending two days with the camera I wrote a full review of the NX300 which you can read below.