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Author Archives: lomokev
2018 Lewes Bonfire Celebrations
Every year on the 5th of November Lewes a small town in Sussex goes bonfire mad. Bonfire societies descend on Lewes from the surrounding areas and parade though the streets with fire touches, effigies and burning crosses. Continue reading
Out of the Blue exhibition at the Brighton Photography Gallery
Out of the Blue is a group show of photos inspired by the sussex coast. For the show I’ve put together a selection of sea images, focusing on the texture and surface of the water in different weather conditions. The images comprise of the sea and sky with no swimmers or landmarks to identify them as Brighton. Continue reading
Twenty Years of Brighton Source Magazine exhibition
Source Magazine is celebrating it’s 20th birthday with photo exhibition of it’s cover photos, live music photos and some of my street style photos. For 15 years source was Brighton’s local listing magazine but was so much more than that, lots of Brighton based photographers and writers made it one of the best local mags I’ve ever seen. Sadly Source magazine printed is last paper edition in December 2013 but it continues on the web. From 2010 ’til the last issue I shot montage portraits of people on the streets of Brighton for Source’s street style section on one of my trusted Lomo LCAs. Continue reading
Posted in Brighton, Events, Exhibitions
Tagged brighton source, montage portrait, montage portraits, source
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Brighton Naked Bike Riders take over the British Airways i360
This morning I had one of my stranger shoots. The British Airways i360 had invited some of Brighton’s naked cyclists for a free ride in the pod before morning opening. The cyclists will be taking part in the Brighton Naked Bike Ride on Sunday (10th June). Every year people strip off to take part in the Naked Bike Ride in different cities across the world, their nakedness highlights the vulnerability of cyclists on urban roads. The Brighton Naked Bike ride has been running in the since 2006, I photographed it in its inaugural year you can see my images from the 2006 ride in this Flickr album.
Three interviews with Panthalassa, Pleece & Co and Lomography
You know what they say interviews can be a bit like buses know wants to talk for ages then suddenly three Interviewers rock up all at the same time. In the last month I’ve had three interviews published in three different places each focusing on something different.
Brighton Swimming Club Members In The Snow
The last time we got a decent amount of snow in Brighton was 5 years ago in January 2013, this week we got a pathetic dusting of snow over night that was melted away by mid morning. I always like to get photos of my fellow Brighton Swimming Club members in the snow weather it’s a pathetic amount or not. Usually I like to get shots of members walking across a snowy beach but there was not really enough snow for that. Instead I used the snowy beach as a back drop for some portraits, I shot them after they came out of the water. I shoot some of these after my swim while still in my trunks on the beach and I still managed to hold the camera steady! You can see how much more snow there was in 2013 on my blog and see a selection of my snowy swimming photos from over the years in my portfolio.
I will be give a short talk about shooting the construction of the i360 at ‘Modern Brighton & Hove’
On the Wednesday 29th of November I will be giving a short talk about my work documenting the construction of the British Airways i360 at ‘Modern Brighton & Hove’. I will be joined by fellow photographer Rob Orchard who will be talking about his project were he photographing every single pub in Brighton and Hove. In all there will be four short talks which will be followed by a panel discussion Kate Cheyne (University of Brighton), Claire Potter and Architectural Photographer Jim Stephenson (founder of MiniClick).
Photos from Lady Diana’s Funeral 1997
Twenty years ago today in September 1997 I went to London with my mother to Lady Diana’s Funeral (obviously we did not go the ceremony at Westminster Abbey). Instead of jostling for a position on the route of the funeral cortège we decided to head to hyde park were big screens had been erected to show the funeral service.